
Global Meet & Greet

Global Meet & Greet is a bi-weekly event initiated by the International Students and Faculty Services (ISFS) in partnership with Office Education Abroad (OEA) at Ohio University. Starting from this quarter, the event aims at bringing international students together so they can meet, talk, have free food and fun.

Held at Walter International Educational Center (room 106) which is a new home of ISFS, the series welcomes many international and domestic students to share their culture with each other on a given theme. For example, the theme of this week (Nov 9) is Thanksgiving which is one of the most important holidays in the U.S.

Decorated with thanksgiving postcards, students can write down their thanks to sponsors whose generosity made the event happen. "I really enjoy the food, especially pumpkin pie. It helps me understand about the traditional food they have in Thanksgiving Day", said Yahan, a Chinese student in Biology Sciences.

"The aim of the event is to bring international and domestic students together so they can socialize with each other. And also for us, we can provide necessary information they need regarding travel abroad opportunities and other international students issues", said Jascene Dunkley, Graduate Assistant at ISFS.

Participants said it is not the first time they attend the event and they definitely don't want to miss the next one which is on Nov 15 from 4-5pm with the theme of Finals Week.

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