
Guest speaker

It is always a great idea to bring guest speakers who are practitioners in your field to the class. It is even more beneficial for journalism students to interact with journalists because journalism is all about reality. That's why we were so excited to welcome our guest today: Marshall Allen who is a reporter for ProPublica. Within such a limited time, he shared his "Do No Harm: Hospital Care in Las Vegas" project collaboratively written with Alex Richards for the Las Vegas Sun. The series covered stories related to health care in Las Vegas, which, according to Allen, is twenty years behind other places in the U.S.

Being humble, Allen shared how the initial assignment turned into a great work regardless of many constraints during the investigative process. It was not the multimedia interactive applications (they are cool, though) that mattered. It was the story that mattered. No matter what type of media being used: traditional or new media; the story and its verified truth still play the most important role in winning audience.

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