
US top national universities

US News has just released rankings of the top fifty national universities. The top ten comes not as a surprise because of the familiar names of these universities. The first ranking, as usual, goes to Harvard University. Harvard University was one of the oldest institutions in the U.S., founded in 1636, it now boasts of the most prestigious alumni all over the world.

Together with Harvard, Princeton University as member of the Ivy League ranks the first. The next rankings in the top ten belong to: Yale University (3rd), Columbia University (4th), California Institute of Technology (5th), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (5th), Stanford University (5th), University of Chicago (5th), University of Pennsylvania (5th) and Duke University (10th).

The rest of the rankings include:

#11 Dartmouth
#12 Northwestern
#13 Johns Hopkins
#14 Wash U in St Louis
#15 Brown
#15 Cornell
#17 Rice
#17 Vanderbilt
#19 Notre Dame
#20 Emory

#21 Berkeley
#22 Georgetown
#23 Carnegie Mellon
#23 USC
#25 U of Virginia
#25 UCLA
#25 Wake Forest
#28 Michigan
#29 Tufts
#29 UNC Chapel Hill

31. Boston College
31. Brandeis
33. College of William and Mary
33. NYU
35. U of Rochester
36. George Institute of Tech
37. UC San Diego
38. Case Western Reserve
38. Lehigh
38. UC Davis
38. U of Miami

42. UC Santa Barbara
42. U of Washington - Seattle
42. U of Wisconsin - Madison
45. Pen State
45. UIUC
45. U of Texas - Austin
45. Yeshiva
50. George Washington
50. Resellaer Polytechnic Institute
50. Tulane

Ohio University ranks the 124th among the national universities.

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